Elementary School
Prairie View Elementary School
Wentzville R-IV School District, O’Fallon, Missouri
This elementary school is a prototype being constructed in three phases on a 12-acre site. Phases 2 and 3 of the elementary school are 48,989 square feet and will accommodate about 650 students with two classrooms per grade, K to 5, and special-education classrooms. Support spaces include gymnasium, art room, kindergarten room, additional administration, a media center and computer laboratory, restrooms, storage, and mechanical and electrical spaces. Site improvements include a bus loading/paved playground, separate automobile drop-off/pickup loop, parking, a combined soccer/softball field, soft playground area and basic landscaping.
Prairie View Elementary School
Wentzville R-IV School District, O’Fallon, Missouri
This elementary school is a prototype being constructed in three phases on a 12-acre site. Phases 2 and 3 of the elementary school are 48,989 square feet and will accommodate about 650 students with two classrooms per grade, K to 5, and special-education classrooms. Support spaces include gymnasium, art room, kindergarten room, additional administration, a media center and computer laboratory, restrooms, storage, and mechanical and electrical spaces. Site improvements include a bus loading/paved playground, separate automobile drop-off/pickup loop, parking, a combined soccer/softball field, soft playground area and basic landscaping.