Elementary School
Daniel Boone Elementary School
Warren County R-III School District, Warrenton, Missouri
A new security vestibule/main entrance and relocated administrative office suite for Daniel Boone Elementary School provides improved building security via controlled entry security and circulation into the new general office. A new principal office, assistant office, workroom and restrooms are provided. Two classrooms were utilized for the project. A smaller classroom is provided with the remaining space. The new entry canopy provides a clear identity of the main entry and a new auto drop off drive separates auto drop-off/pick-up circulation from the bus drop-off/loading drive.
Daniel Boone Elementary School
Warren County R-III School District, Warrenton, Missouri
A new security vestibule/main entrance and relocated administrative office suite for Daniel Boone Elementary School provides improved building security via controlled entry security and circulation into the new general office. A new principal office, assistant office, workroom and restrooms are provided. Two classrooms were utilized for the project. A smaller classroom is provided with the remaining space. The new entry canopy provides a clear identity of the main entry and a new auto drop off drive separates auto drop-off/pick-up circulation from the bus drop-off/loading drive.