Elementary School
Mark Twain Elementary School
Rolla 31 School District, Rolla, Missouri
A phased addition and renovation at Mark Twain Elementary School facilitates relocating and reorienting the new main school entrance and moves the bus loading from a busy thoroughfare street to a safe controlled bus loop at the opposite side of the campus site. The bus drop-off is separated from the vehicular drop-off loop to improve traffic and student safety. The addition includes a new entrance lobby, library/computer lab, and gymnasium with stage, art/music rooms, classrooms, new main administration office suite and restrooms. Renovations includes relocating the nurse’s area and converting original offices to counselors and SPED spaces.
Mark Twain Elementary School
Rolla 31 School District, Rolla, Missouri
A phased addition and renovation at Mark Twain Elementary School facilitates relocating and reorienting the new main school entrance and moves the bus loading from a busy thoroughfare street to a safe controlled bus loop at the opposite side of the campus site. The bus drop-off is separated from the vehicular drop-off loop to improve traffic and student safety. The addition includes a new entrance lobby, library/computer lab, and gymnasium with stage, art/music rooms, classrooms, new main administration office suite and restrooms. Renovations includes relocating the nurse’s area and converting original offices to counselors and SPED spaces.