Elementary School
Discovery Elementary School
Orchard Farm R-V School District, St. Charles, Missouri
The new Discovery Elementary School for Pre-K through second grade is designed for expansion into a complete elementary facility housing Pre-K through Fifth grade. Phase One provides 76,803 square feet and includes two preschool classrooms, five kindergarten classrooms, ten standard classrooms for first and second grade, and two special education classrooms. It also includes a media center, computer lab, art classroom and flex space for preschool, as well as a multipurpose/cafeteria and multipurpose/gymnasium each divided by the dual sided stage. Administrative spaces, nurse and counselor spaces are provided in a central suite area. Green design features include an energy management system, water source heat pumps, exposed polished concrete flooring, lighting-control sensors, an efficient building insulation envelope, and thermal break windows with insulated low-e glass. Completed site work includes parking bus and auto loop drive and service/delivery area. Phase Two expansion of 11,300 S.F. provides eight additional classrooms, restrooms and mechanical/electrical space to accommodate a rapid enrollment growth within the District.
Discovery Elementary School
Orchard Farm R-V School District, St. Charles, Missouri
The new Discovery Elementary School for Pre-K through second grade is designed for expansion into a complete elementary facility housing Pre-K through Fifth grade. Phase One provides 76,803 square feet and includes two preschool classrooms, five kindergarten classrooms, ten standard classrooms for first and second grade, and two special education classrooms. It also includes a media center, computer lab, art classroom and flex space for preschool, as well as a multipurpose/cafeteria and multipurpose/gymnasium each divided by the dual sided stage. Administrative spaces, nurse and counselor spaces are provided in a central suite area. Green design features include an energy management system, water source heat pumps, exposed polished concrete flooring, lighting-control sensors, an efficient building insulation envelope, and thermal break windows with insulated low-e glass. Completed site work includes parking bus and auto loop drive and service/delivery area. Phase Two expansion of 11,300 S.F. provides eight additional classrooms, restrooms and mechanical/electrical space to accommodate a rapid enrollment growth within the District.